Sunday, October 26, 2014

books: life-changers

A good book is hard to read, on account of how often it makes you stop and think.
Chris Brady

If I'm engrossed in a book, I have to rearrange my thoughts before I can mingle with other people, because otherwise they might think I was strange.
Anne Frank

While the consequences are often quite hellish, I am absolutely and perhaps permanently against ignoring books recommended from the heart by very nice people and strangers; it is too risky and inhuman; also the consequences are often painful in a fairly charming way.
J.D. Salinger

Reading is sometimes thought of as a form of escapism, and it’s a common turn of phrase to speak of getting lost in a book. But a book can also be where one finds oneself; and when a reader is grasped and held by a book, reading does not feel like an escape from life so much as it feels like an urgent, crucial dimension of life itself.
Rebecca Mead

One must always be careful of books and what's inside them, for words have the power to change us.
Cassandra Clare

A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to far-away places without ever leaving your chair.
Katrina Mayer

But when your heart is tired and dumb, your soul has need of ease,
There’s none like the quiet folk who wait in libraries–
The counselors who never change, the friends who never go,
The old books, the dear books that understand and know!
Margaret Widdemer

Image credit: booklover

This post is part of the 31 Days of Bibliophilia series. 

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